So your exams are over and you have a lot of things to do. You want to relax but you don’t know where to go or what to do. Well, I have some good news for you because we're going to discuss some activities and places that can help you relieve stress after exams. What even is relaxation though?

Relaxing is defined as the process of restoring a person’s mental and physical well-being. It is characterized by an absence of stress, tension, and anxiety. The word relaxation comes from the Latin word ‘relegere’ which means to ‘take back’ or ‘restore’. There's a fun fact for you.
Places to visit
You can go take a walk in the park or any other place where you can enjoy nature and release all the stress from your body. Walking helps us release endorphins which help us feel happy and relaxed. Plus, you can observe all of the scenery that surrounds you and relax.
I have another perfect place for you. It's our good old friend the beach and it will be your best friend when it comes to relaxing after exams. The golden sun, glittering sand, and crystal-clear, turquoise water, and fresh air will help you forget about all of your stressful thoughts and just let loose.
Things to do
There are many ways to relax but one of the most effective methods is meditation. Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years for its health benefits and relaxation effects. It involves focusing attention on a particular thought or sensation with an intention to reduce stress and anxiety. For example, if you were feeling stressed out about an exam (I'll do a post on coping with exam anxiety soon) then you could meditate in between the loads of stressful and taxing studying. If you struggle with not being able to study, check out a post we did called "Study Smarter" for some help.
You can also do something we should probably all do more often; Nap. Napping can be very beneficial for people who have trouble relaxing because it gives them a chance to unwind and get their mind off of stress. There are many benefits that come with taking a nap, such as better concentration, improved mood, and even weight loss. Taking a nap can also help you stay awake longer which is very helpful if you have work or school that needs to be done.
You could also give yourself a manicure or a pedicure, and people LISTEN UP, this is not just for girls. Okay? You can give yourself a manicure no matter your gender or your age. You can use nail polish if you want to but you don't need to if your school doesn't allow it or, if you're like me, clumsy with your nail polish brush and end up getting nail varnish all over your hands and in your cuticles; then just looking like you have blue cuticles for the rest of the week. If you don't want to use polish, then here are my simple steps for a flawless at-home-manicure that's school appropriate:
soak clean hands in warm water with acetone in it
cut and file your nails to as long as you want them
use a hand cream
use a cuticle oil/nail treatment on your cuticles and nails to soften them
put a clear varnish (optional)
You could also watch a movie on Netflix on your own or with friends or family, but make sure that you're comfortable; take your makeup off if you wear it, change into some comfy clothes or pajamas and just have a great time.
Things you could buy
You can get a face mask at any drugstore or grocery store near your house that you can use for 30 minutes while studying for maybe $5-$10. If you're feeling fancy you can pick up of the more bougie ones at like $15.
You can buy a nice drink from your closest coffee shop like Starbucks (I like getting a mocha or their hot chocolate with mini brownies) or just get some nice teabags from Walmart or your closest grocery store. You can have this in a nice mug and take a photo of it then send it to us on Instagram (@the_studentsblog) for a mention on our stories.
After the long days of studying, it is time for a break and going out with your friends is the best way to take a break from all the stress. You can enjoy each other’s company by doing something together like watching movies or just hanging out. This'll obviously cost a few bucks.
Things you could use to pamper yourself (that I guarantee you have at home)
Green tea bags: Put them in cold water or room temp water and keep it in the fridge for 1-2 hours, serves the same purpose as eye pads or cold cucumber slices.
Fruits/coffee/infused ice cubes: Take any of these and an ice cube mold -I bet you have at least one and if not, put these into a water bottle along with some room temperature water and freeze it, along the day it'll melt and be a refreshing beverage- and make flavored ice cubes.
Play around with some make-up or your clothes, it's always nice to give yourself a full glam and act like a model. Seeing ourselves look extra nice gives us a little dopamine boost and it's fun to do. Don't lie love, you know you do it too ;)
And with that, our time together this week comes to an end, just like how we're all hoping exams do too. I hope you've enjoyed your first couple of weeks in school my lovelies, and see you next time,