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Writer's picture: thestudentsbloggerthestudentsblogger

A topic that needs to be talked about more because the truth is that they're probably the one of the few things we all have in common.

This amazing topic is the wonderful world of books. We've all read them in our lifetime and when people read the same one it creates connections in the mind, shared thoughts unlike with anything else. Books create emotion and controversy and a mix of all these amazing things, they are just the most versatile and amazing thing and yes, I am going to be babbling on and on about them in admiration for the next few minutes so just, try to stay awake and bear with me.

We have all lived in two worlds, probably since we were all quite young. Obviously, the first is our world, the one where you’re hopefully intrigued by this post, the other is the world of stories, and it is one I have explored and have been in love with since an early age. We all read for varied reasons, to escape, for enjoyment, for that essay in English you need to write, but most of us enjoy reading because it is a way to travel worlds without moving an inch. And it is just so amazing to think that a bunch of papers put together has the power to transport you and have such a huge influence over you. I’ll never forget the day I got my first book, I gnawed on the corner, opened the first page and stared at it in confusion and curiosity. At that time books opened a brand-new door for me, held ajar by the bursting of endless glimmering possibilities, and my goodness I hope that door never closes.

And now perhaps the most important question I've ever asked you; have you read Harry potter? (IF YOU HAVE NOT, CLOSE YOUR LAPTOP RIGHT NOW AND GO READ IT BECAUSE IT IS INCREDIBLE) After you read the series did it follow a phase when you were pretty convinced you were a wizard or a witch? Me too – that just goes to show that the power of books is so strong that it can bind together an entire group of people who may not have even interacted once in their life. Remember his first quidditch match? It was as if you were right there flying with him on his broomstick, in the midst of the game, chasing that tiny fleck of gold with the wind whipping in your face.

In fact, I loved Harry Potter so much that when I was asked what my personality was in year four and five, I would answer "Harry potter lover" that’s it, I was nothing if not a person who lived the Harry potter series. When we were doing the EVOLV3 ECA, our teacher asked us to sum up our personalities in three words. So, when I was developing this post, I thought if I could put why books are so amazing into one sentence, what would it be? Then I thought of a quote from this book I had read a couple of years ago, The Alchemist, a very enjoyable book as well, and it is, ‘It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.' And I was so proud of myself for remembering that because I thought that it put it into words perfectly, I did a little happy dance, gave myself a pat on the back, then went back to crying because I remembered that I had to finish writing the rest of this post.

Admittedly, I’ve been going on and on about them but, why are books so incredible? Purely because they are the most versatile things and you can find out whatever you want from them, from first hand experiences of the world war to the lifetime of an elephant; Whatever you like there will be at least one book on the matter. They're like the original google but without the things that annoy us all like ads for investment websites or candy crush.

So, ask yourself this question really quickly, do you like reading? Some people may not, or at least may not yet, because "If you don't like reading, you haven't found the right type of book." That came from the renowned author J.K Rowling, an obvious expert on this topic, so let’s just come to terms with the fact that we all have our own kind of book, and when you find it, it just clicks. Have you thought about what yours is?

In my opinion, an enjoyable book is one that captivates me within the first pages, with such incredible wording and a gripping plot that I want to read throughout the entire day and will frankly... shut down all forms of contact to get to the end of. However, I'm sure that if I ask the next person I meet what their criteria for a good book is, they will tell me something completely different. Which, if you think about it is so.... incredible because even though books are remarkably similar in appearance, they have such diversity and can make people feel and have such different emotions and opinions.

On the topic of difference, we should probably discuss debatably one of the biggest differences in preference to book lovers: Kindles or physical books? A question for the ages that boggled the greatest of minds. I still haven’t decided which side I’m on though I think I'm leaning more towards the physical book side. But, kindles are convenient and compact, and you can fit an entire library into your backpack (THINK ABOUT HOW INCREDIBLE THAT IS) but on the other hand, physical books have some values that are just so unique and trademarked to them. The crispness of a new book’s pages, the clarity of the freshly printed ink and that new book scent -if you know what I'm talking about- there's nothing like it. No matter what your preference is, both are incredible because they have the exact same amazing purpose, to let people do the thing you probably think I've been waffling on about: read.

So, to draw a conclusion, I would like to quote Nnendi Okorafor, a famous female author when I say, “I love books. I adore everything about them. I love the feel of the pages on my fingertips. They are light enough to carry, yet so heavy with worlds and ideas. I love the sound of the pages flicking against my fingers. Print against fingerprints. Books make people quiet, yet they are so loud."

So pick up that book on your nightstand and start reading for it holds the greatest adventures you could normally only dream of, and see you next time.




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